Philippe Viaene

Gestalt - Therapist

Specializations :

HEALING JOURNEYS – Brief therapy 
Brief, solution-oriented support  Teens - Adults - Couples 

Brief therapy "Soothing without upsetting everything

Method going to the essentials without necessarily stirring up the past to confront fears and transform beliefs,
change maladaptive habits and better manage obsessive behaviours, without questioning them too upsetting.

Depending on the person and the questioning, I use the following techniques:  NLP, NVC, EFT, Hypnosis, Photo & Art therapy

You can consult us for help with any difficulties you may be experiencing:
Relationship problems - Couples - Adolescence

Addictions - Separations - Grief - Anxiety - Challenges - Phobias - Stress Burn-out - Loneliness
- Life change - Self-esteem and self-confidence...


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